Blue Amber Eye

Retrieved From Leopardgecko.com

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An impressive new eye gene combined with an equally impressive morph !

This new recessive gene is named after the gemstone Blue Amber, which represents the transparent nature of this eye mutation that reveals blue and amber colored pigments from hatching to adult.


In 2014 Ron Tremper's wife, Helene, embarked on a project to make Striped Blood Rainwater Albinos. She combined top Blood and Striped genetics by using geckos, that took several years to prove out to be het free (no recessives), coupled with some rather plain looking Rainwater Albinos that were also het free.

Such random mutations must be thoroughly tested before declaring a new gene, and so in 2019 we gathered the essential females, representing the known eye genetics, and bred one of the 2018 Blue Amber Eye Rainwater males to each of the three other eye traits.

Simultaneously, we began breeding the two other BAE males to their mothers, aunts and sisters. The result has been a number of visual Blue Amber Eyes, which have the same impressive eye color of their fathers.

PHOTO BY Leopardgecko.com

Test Breeding Results

Blue Amber EyeXEclipse Eye
=Normal (Not Eclipse)
Blue Amber EyeXMarble Eye
=Normal (Not Marble Eye)
Blue Amber EyeXNDBE
=Normal (Not NDBE)


The Blue Amber Eye (B.A.E.) is a separate recessive gene unto itself and may over time manifest itself in the Bell and Tremper albino lines, as well as, other morphs. 

In 2019 we have already bred Blue Amber Eye to top quality, no het, Tangerines. When their offspring are bred together in 2020 we will see what the non-albino version looks like for the very first time..


To date, all our BAEs have perfectly formed and normal shaped eyes. No issues whatsoever like that of the NDBE. The body conformation and vigor has been superb in all our visuals and hets.

Affect on Color

Unlike the Eclipse gene, the BAE does not degrade color. In fact, there is some evidence here that it may enhance colors. Helene's project is producing geckos with extremely vivid red/orange and high contrast.

After 5 years of line-breeding, her goal of producing Striped Blood Rainwaters (photo below) has not only been realized, but surpassed by the emergence of the BAE. She has decided to call her line "Burning Blood Rainwaters". A name suggested by Marco Struck of Germany.

Burning Blood Rainwater het Blue Amber Eye

Eye Color Variability

Given that every gecko eye is unique, the adult BAEs so far have shown a normal range of variation (see photos). Hatchlings have a very dark eye that becomes more transparent with age. There seems to be a common color characteristic of blue edging on each side of the pupil. It's to be expected that more will be learned as the population of BAEs increases over time.

Eye Identification

The BAE is easily identifiable from the other eye genes, thus eliminating any confusion (See photos) . Although appearing dark at hatching, the transparent nature of the BAE can seen upon close examination, and hence, ruling out the Eclipse (Typhoon) and Cipher genes, which are opaque.

With a good sample size in hand, every BAE itself has been virtually identical, fully colored and devoid of any snake-eyed or partially colored examples.